About NGK Utbygging
Our business model is based upon capitalizing on the development and construction risk associated with small hydro power plant construction rather then the longterm value of green renewable energy. That means we do not own or operate the power plants in the long run, but sell them off to long term owners. Those could be institutional firms, private investors, asset mangement companies, utility companies or private landowners.
Having successfully constructed and commissioned more than 30 SHPP our small team is one of the most experienced in the industry, leading to safe, sound and effective solutions for every single new plant. We are owned by four large utility companies in the Oslo-region, ensuring quality and stability of our operations.
Norsk Grønnkraft ® – the brand name – is our original name from the beginning in 2004. NGK Utbygging was demerged from Norsk Grønnkraft AS in 2014, leaving Norsk Grønnkraft AS as a purely focused operator and owner of small hydro power plants. Two years later, Norsk Grønnkraft AS merged with Småkraft AS and now operates more than 100 small Hydro power plants. Our main customer today remains Småkraft backed by Aquila Capital, which is a Hamburg-based asset management company who invests heavily in Norwegian hydropower using mainly Dutch pension funds and German Insurance funds.

Therefore, do not hesitate to drop us a line or a phone call.
(Just introduced to the business concept and pace of NGK Utbygging)
Sandakerveien 138, 0484 Oslo
P.O Box 4270 Nydalen, 0401 Oslo